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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Re-engineering Content for An Omnichannel Experience

    Omnichannel communication is promoted as key to customer experience. But, as Forrester suggests, getting to the stage where you can deliver the right message, in the right place, at the right time, is not all that easy.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Omnichannel Content: Working Smarter, Not Harder

    Achieving the omnichannel customer experience is not about overloading customers with content, it's about getting content to them which is valuable in the moment and context of its delivery.

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    Lucy Campbell-Woodward

    Invisible Personalization for Great Customer Experience

    What is great personalization? The definition tends to vary depending on who you talk to, but perhaps the real signature of good customer experience is when it's not even noticeable at all...

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Start Your Engines, Omnichannel Marketing Is Go!

    Delivering the omnichannel customer experience is the ultimate goal. Get started with our most recent whitepaper, part of our guide to Omnichannel Marketing in Practice.

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Can Machines Deliver True Personalization?

    A censhare market insight report presents the views of CX experts from a range of industries on personalization: the good practices, the bad habits, and the effects on customer experience.

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Manufacturing Top Level Relationships Through Content

    The manufacturing industry isn’t the first sector to spring to mind when considering the need for an organization wide content strategy, but the latest in our series of HOT DAM 10 whitepapers suggests just that.

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Single Source Publishing – Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket

    Want to reduce inefficiences in your content management and push competetive advantage? This new censhare whitepaper explores how single source publishing can help.

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    Caroline Chang

    Window Shopping for Software? Refresh Your Approach for 2019

    Finding a replacement or addition to your current martech stack at an exhibition is no easy task, however there are certain tricks to ensure your goals don't get lost in the madness.

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Wise Vendor Choices - Key to Successful Content Management

    Choice in martech can be a burden. But when in need, studies from experts can help clients cut through the sales talk and tech speak to indentify the vendors that really deliver.

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