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    censhare Editorial Team

    How to Meet the Needs of an Increasingly Diverse Customer Base

    Effective content marketing requires a deft touch to combat two competing trends in today’s digital landscape. While consumers crave personalization...

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    censhare Editorial Team

    How Marketing Systems Must Evolve to Cope With Customization

    Personalizing and localizing content are among the most important tasks for modern marketing systems, with studies showing 94% of marketers see it as important to...

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Are You Using Integrated Marketing to Solve Your Personalization Problem?

    Marketers have a problem. It’s not the overwhelming amount of data or the number of solutions available. In fact, the problem is personalization...

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Why Marketing Is No Longer Traditional or Modern

    As digital as the world has become, it would be naïve to put all of your eggs in the proverbial digital basket. After all, there’s still nothing like picking up a magazine for a subway ride...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Why It’s Time to Put Your Channel-First Mentality Behind You

    Switching to a customer-first mindset is key to driving engagement and conversion. Building your content strategy around your customers’ needs means you can deliver...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    New Efficiencies to Expect from a Digital Experience Platform

    Efficiency would never be confused as a synonym for marketing. With the number of platforms marketers use during the day, the assets that accumulate...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    How Digital Asset Management Will Save You Money

    You’ve heard it a thousand times, buy something to save money. That makes a lot of sense. Spend money to save money. As a business person...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    How Your Digital Experience Platform Should Think Like You Do

    We’re living in a time where the news seems to always highlight amazing technologies and we’re grappled with the idea of artificially intelligent machines taking over lives...

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    censhare Editorial Team

    What Is ‘Content First’ and Is It the Way Forward?

    As magazine publishing evolves, a key challenge for publishers is to select the right workflows and processes that not only solve current challenges but can adapt sufficiently to further disruption.

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