1. inside-censhare-10-matt.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Time for tea with Matt Gibbs

    In this week’s Inside censhare, we leave Munich, maybe not physically but conversationally as I sit down with Matt Gibbs, Head of Project Management for the UK...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    IT or Marketing, Who Owns the DAM?

    As I wrote at the end of my article on my Henry Stewart – NY DAM insights, I would be writing more in-depth on each of the subjects that I found most enlightening...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Why Your Creation Process Must Improve Before Your Content Ever Will

    No matter how good marketers are at creating content, unless they work on a platform that allows them to actually create, their content will never be as enticing as it should be...

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    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare – Dagmar’s back and I learn how we PIM’d our Clients

    After all the excitement of our 200th employee and our investment announcement we resume our regular programming and I’m back with Dagmar Schneider, discovering the history of censhare and the evolution of our product.

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    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Investment and Negotiating a Marketing Budget with our CFO

    OK, so the title is a bit misleading, we didn’t really film me negotiating for a marketing budget, but I did sit down with the man with the money at censhare...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    How to Keep People Engaged With the Total Brand Experience

    What do people think when they see your brand floating across the web or social media or wherever else people might come across it (skywriting or whatnot)

  7. Inside-censhare-7.png
    Ian Truscott

    A Quick Chat With Our 200th Employee

    Welcome to episode 7 of Inside censhare, this week we meet our 200th employee, Patrick Elsaesser...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    The Challenge of Consistent Brand Management

    With the modernization of marketing technology and ease of getting your message to the public comes the reality that with speed comes new challenges...

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    Douglas Eldridge

    censhare Welcomes 200th Colleague (then hires more for good measure)

    Patrick Elsässer, our newest Solution Developer in the Professional Services department, is a symbol of censhare's tremendous growth...

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