1. data_proficiency_now_vital_for_cmos.jpg
    censhare Editorial Team

    Data proficiency: now vital for CMOs?

    As in every area of modern life, marketing has been revolutionised by the world of data that the digital age has brought with it.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Google underscores value of mobile

    It's a significant message for the industry, considering 50% of YouTube video views are now on mobile.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Google's Phantom update

    Google’s ‘Phantom 2’ update gained widespread attention when it hit the rankings of thousands of sites.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Targeted marketing: key to retention?

    Such a simple concept: use data appropriately, to provide experiences that your customers would like to receive.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Marketers plan to use more first-party data

    In a recent survey, Econsultancy found that 82% plan to increase their usage of first-party data over the next year.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Marketing automation: the key to success

    Recent statistics show that there are nearly 11 times as many B2B organisations using automation tools as there were in early 2011.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Retail using multiple social media channels

    But how intelligently brands are targeting their social media activity to resonate with their customers’ needs is still up for debate.

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    censhare Editorial Team

    Should brands have a strategy for wearables?

    With the advent of wearables, should brands be seriously considering them as part of their marketing strategy?

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    censhare Editorial Team

    AOL unveils new video-centric site

    The evolution of AOL has been interesting, and its latest redesign is the clearest signal yet of where the US internet giant sees the future of online revenue.

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