1. olav-ahrens-rotne-4Ennrbj1svk-unsplas-digital-transformationh.jpg
    Monica Mahon

    Why Some Businesses Fail at Transformation – And How To Fix It

    The daily grind is proving to be a major blocker for digital transformation, but finding ways to streamline operations will be key to allowing larger organizations to the space needed to transform.

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    Monica Mahon

    Why Integrated Content Management Matters to Your Brand

    How can you enable effective brand management? You might not see it at a glance, but the magic of every successful brand lies in its supporting technology, enabling it to consistently present its best face to customers at the right time and in the right channels.

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    Monica Mahon

    Transforming Traditional Print Publishing for Success

    To stay relevant in these very challenging times, publishers have to work hard. Let’s take a look at some of the tactics being used by some who are not just surviving, but are actually thriving in the modern media environment.

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    Monica Mahon

    The Why and the How of the Digital Business Imperative

    The business effects of COVID-19 are far reaching and here to stay. But these challenges can also be an opportunity to accelerate your digital transformation plans to drive efficiency, engage workers, and build a better customer experience.

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    Monica Mahon

    Digital Asset Management in 2020: Trend, AI, and Opportunities

    The start of a new decade is always exciting, especially as we are beginning to see the transformational impact that technology is having on business. Today, we focus on the DAM landscape.

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    Morag Cuddeford-Jones

    Success with Single Source Communication

    Providing your retail partners with accurate marketing information in a timely manner across various touchpoints, regions and materials, is no easy task and was faced by Vitra.

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    Lucy Campbell-Woodward

    Simplify, Streamline & Save: Communications Under Control

    For marketers, managing communications across the wide range of possible channels while keeping some kind of brand consistency and building an effective customer journey can be a challenging task.

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    Lucy Campbell-Woodward

    Finding Your Digital Asset Management Solution

    When it comes to choosing the right DAM vendor, you don't want to find yourself second guessing your decision a year down the line. We explore the advice from former Forrester research director on how to avoid the wrong choice.

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    Andrea Müller-Beilschmidt

    The Importance of Centralization in Digital Transformation

    Customer experience can be key to a brand’s success. It can be the decider, making the difference between whether a brand is remembered or forgotten.

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