1. inside-censhare-21-dieter-reichert
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Putting the No-Silo Theory into Practice at censhare, with Dieter our CEO

    In this week’s Inside censhare, I continue my conversation with Dieter and learn about how we are applying those same no-silo concepts to our own organization and in doing so, get a great insight into his approach for managing a high growth technology business.

  2. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Silos Are the Enemy of Content Marketing

    Yes, I know I have touched on this rant before, but yesterday I had a really good conversation with Ryan Skinner, Senior Analyst at Forrester Research, who seemed to share this point of view and got me all stoked up about this again.

  3. christina-graessel.png
    Christina Gräßel

    Inside censhare: How censhare Learned That I Was Pregnant Before My Family Did – A Very Personal Story from our Head of HR

    Those of you who have kids or are about to have kids might know this situation; you realize that you are going to have a baby. On the one hand you are overwhelmed by this great feeling… yet, on the other hand you think -- this is just very bad timing.

  4. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Marketers, You’re the Publisher Now

    Telling the story about how your product and service makes consumers lives better is content marketing. Once you are thinking about the consumer, you are thinking about the reader. If you are thinking about the reader, you are a publisher.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    From Apprenticeship to Management – The Stephan Deuringer Story

    With a little luck and a lot of skill you can go pretty far in life quickly. That has been the experience of Stephan Deuringer, newly appointed Head of IT Services and the youngest on our management team.

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    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Dagmar takes us inside Christie's

    In this episode, we focus in on Dagmar’s latest project; the global implementation of censhare at the internally famous auction house, Christie's.

  7. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Content Marketing: Divide and Cock Up

    A while ago, in a previous life, I was invited to present a content marketing workshop to a marketing team from a car manufacturer.

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    Annika Senkovic

    The Hiring Process From a Recruiter’s Perspective

    I’ve been working at censhare as a recruiter for a few months now. I realise that what I do might not be entirely clear outside of HR, so I thought a blog post would be the perfect device to answer a few of the questions that I have been asked frequently throughout my career.

  9. Screen Shot 2017-08-16 at 3.57.39 PM.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: The Boss, Part 2

    In this episode of Inside censhare, I’m again joined by my boss, Dieter Reichert, the CEO of censhare AG and one of the founders of our business over 15 years ago...

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