1. inside-censhare-46-islem-djedidi.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Islem Puts the Care in censhare

    Our IT Specialists constantly keep appearing on Inside censhare. This week, I welcome another member of our geek squad, Islem Djedidi.

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    Ian Truscott

    I Don’t Give a Crapronym, You Still Have to Tidy Your Content

    There is always a good reason why we as marketers focus on the front end, but what about the fact that we have a marketing automation system full of assets such as “New image 3.jpg” and can never bloody find anything?

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Beginning Your Martech Search and How to Make Better Content

    Marketing and technology go together like a car and an engine, you can't have one without the other. This week, I delve further into this marketing and technology relationship.

  4. inside-censhare-45-philipp-eliasch.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Philipp Eliasch - Half of a Lifetime of Customer Service

    This week on Inside censhare, I again delve into the censhare technical engine room and discover Philipp, Team Lead and Assistant Manager, Global Customer Services.

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    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: That Whole “Print is Dead” Thing – Part 2

    This week, Ian revisits a subject he has touched on before - this whole thing about print being dead, because according to millennials...it's really not.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Marketing Woes and How Data and Content are the Answers

    This week's roundup of marketing and technology news gives great insight into how you can better connect with your audience, use data more efficiently, and how content should be used to form a long lasting relationship.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Putting DAM at the Center of the Digital Ecosystem

    A new digital mentality is allowing companies to defragment, but the right tech still has to align with the right digital strategy. So, where does technology end and strategy begin?

  8. inside-censhare-44-iryna-zhovtobryukh.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Getting Things Done with Iryna Zhovtobryukh

    This week I interrupt our brand new and incredibly in demand CTO, Iryna Zhovtobryukh, to give you a little bit of an insight into the person behind the press release.

  9. tuesday-2-cents-1.jpg
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Do you need a CMS? Of course!

    When asking for a centralized, content management system, the answer should be as straightforward as it would be for any expected business utility.

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