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    Douglas Eldridge

    Culture, Data, and Storytelling

    This week's round up of martech news concentrates on properly using data. Plus, for good measure, a bit on maintaining a digital culture.

  2. inside-censhare-43-sam-stewart.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: IT meets IT

    In this episode of Inside censhare, I meet Sam Stewart, our brand-new Head of IT, and chat about the challenges of managing IT at such a fast-growing company.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    How Retailers Are Managing Their Digital Transformations

    Rather than telling the same old story about retailers struggling under a lack of digital clarity, let’s take a look at how retailers can improve and continue their success online.

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    Ian Truscott

    Dying for a Bloody Good Story

    Consider the iconic Marlboro man. The rough, tough, all American with a squidgy pack of cigarettes tucked into his shirt pocket, which you presume he can light with a flick of a match on his boot. An iconic image that tells a story.

  5. monday-morning-memo-5.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Digital Channels Need to Rethink, Calculating Omnichannel ROI, and Quality Over Quantity

    Just as March roars in like a lion, there’s nothing lamb-like about this week’s round up of digital marketing and technology news.

  6. inside-censhare-42-johannes-woll.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: I Track Down The Man in The Hat!

    “The man in the hat” is Johannes Woll, CEO and cofounder of Social Event. Technically speaking, he’s not from inside censhare, but he is a partner, collaborator and close friend of the censhare family.

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    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Should Data be Your New CMO?

    Is easyJet's decision to replace its role of CMO with a CDO (Chief Data Officer) symptomatic of an over embracing of data in marketing departments, or the first move toward a darker marketing future controlled by bots and bereft of creativity?

  8. monday-morning-memo-4.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    What Makes Marketers Tick, GDPR Still Looming, and Why to Give Away Your Best Content

    The last week of February means that longer days and warm weather are only a of couple weeks away, but before you head off for the races, catch up with the latest in martech news.

  9. inside-censhare-41-abhiraj-dayal.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Abhiraj and a Millennial’s Perspective

    I did not need to go far this week to find my latest Inside censhare guest. In fact, he sits opposite me, deep in the belly of our marketing boiler room in Munich, it’s Abhiraj Dayal, our working student.

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