1. inside-censhare-30-james-naylor.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Helping Creatives Create, with James Naylor

    In the final episode of this Inside censhare mini-series of special guests from customer and partner event, ecosphere days 2017, I sit down with James Naylor, Group Publishing Systems Manager at Slimming World.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    5 Things We Learned from Forrester CXEurope Summit

    Last week censhare sponsored the Forrester’s CX Europe Summit. Its theme was how to create a better Customer Experience (CX) in what has been coined “The Age of the Customer”.

  3. tuesday-2-cents-3.jpg
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Is There a 'C' Missing in Customer Experience (CX)?

    A few of us were at the Forrester CXEurope 2017 Summit last week, it was a really good event. But, it seemed that content was conspicuous by its absence.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo – A Better Marketing Formula

    This week’s roundup includes a formula for effective marketing, an explanation of how brick and mortar stores are actually thriving in the digital age and AI in the workplace.

  5. inside-censhare-29-special-guest-theresa-regli.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Special Guest – Theresa Regli

    Inside censhare continues with Theresa Regli, Chief Strategy Officer at KlarisIP and leading Digital Asset Management (DAM) practitioner and industry expert.

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    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Is Your Marketing Giving, Taking or Something in Between?

    This week I am inspired by Adam Grant's theory of three kinds of people found in organizations - Givers, Takers and Matchers - and relate it to the nature of content marketing.

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    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo: Does Your 2018 Marketing Plan Involve Video?

    As the end of the year continues to encroach and planning for 2018 ramps up, this week’s Monday Morning Memo is also a Monday Morning planning session!

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    Caroline Chang

    ad:tech 2017 - How Smart Content is Championing Customer Experience

    censhare joined advertisers and marketers in Manhattan last week for ad:tech 2017, a thought-provoking two days focusing on the adoption of creative technological solutions to improve customer experience.

  9. inside-censhare-28-special-guest-cathy-mcknight
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Special Guest, Cathy McKnight

    This week we continue our short series of going outside censhare with another extended interview, this time with Cathy McKnight, Co-Founder and Vice President of Consulting Operations from analyst, research and consulting firm, Digital Clarity Group.

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