1. inside-censhare-26-lucy-takes-us-inside-marketing
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Lucy Takes Us Inside Marketing

    This week, I find out exactly what new starter Lucy Campbell-Woodward has been up to during her first week as a Digital Marketing Specialist at censhare AG.

  2. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: Having Killed the Radio Star, Who’s Video’s next victim?

    This week I am inspired by Forrester analyst Nick Barber who has been writing about video and video technology, and I wondered why this was not more front and center of the marketing discussion

  3. MondayMorningMemo1.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo: Ideas on Content Marketing and EU Meeting Action Item

    Last week's tech roundup. There’s no such thing as a slow news week in this day and age and the tech world is no different - there is always something happening that we should know about.

  4. ecospherre days 2017 Ian intro.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: ecosphere days 2017

    A special edition of Inside censhare this week as we feature ecosphere days 2017, our annual client and partner event.

  5. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Are We Killing Print Because We Are Lazy?

    I’ve written on here before about the death of print, which for a supposedly dead thing, is surprisingly alive. I’ve also written about measurement, how the big metrics may not entirely correlate to measurement based marketing.

  6. Image - Internet Retailing Conference
    Emily Nicholls

    Solving the Next Generation of Retailer Pain at Internet Retailing Conference

    censhare recently hosted a roundtable at the Internet Retailing Conference in London discussing the next wave of customer engagement for retailers - here's what we picked up from the event!

  7. MondayMorningMemo1.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo: This Week’s Technological Journey Takes You All the Way to Minsk; Sit Back and Enjoy All the Tech News You Can Consume

    You can’t do anything about it being a Monday morning, but you can make yourself look busy by catching up on last week’s tech news!

  8. inside-censhare-24-torben-buchhorn.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Bonjour Monsieur Buchhorn!

    This week on Inside censhare I got to hang out with the leader of our French Office, Torben Buchhorn, who shared with me his experience of opening our Paris office

  9. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: A Different Way to Measure Marketing

    As marketers, it was predicted that between us we will globally spend over a trillion dollars on marketing this year. Although some CFO’s feel that this money is a tax on doing business...

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