1. MondayMorningMemo1.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo: Why You Need to Know About a Meeting in Estonia, What the Number 280 Has to do with You and More; All the Digital News That’s Fit to Share

    Another Monday morning and another roundup of digital news for you as you sip your coffee before the real work begins.

  2. Inside censhare Welcome Back to Humanity.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Inside censhare: Welcome Back to Humanity

    As we continue to grow in both size and in the market, we consider ourselves equally responsible to positively influence the people and environments outside our immediate circle.

  3. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢ – In Marketing, Agile Can Have a Small ‘a’ – It’s Just Getting S**t Done.

    Everyone and everything it seems today is ‘Agile’, including marketing. But what marketing is not agile? When has marketing ever not been agile?

  4. MondayMorningMemo1.jpg
    Douglas Eldridge

    Monday Morning Memo: From AI to Big News in London; Everything Digital You Need to Know

    Since it’s Monday morning and you haven’t got anything to do yet, I thought it’d be a good time to update you on everything you likely missed last week...

  5. dam-chicago.jpeg
    Douglas Eldridge

    censhare Takes #DAMChi and Other Takeaways From Henry Stewart Chicago

    A great person once said, “DAMs are kind of like cakes. Like a great cake a great DAM has to be adaptable..."

  6. inside-censhare-23-venkat
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: See the World with Venkat

    This week on Inside censhare I am joined by Venkatachhalam Chinnaswamy. Aside from marvelling at our new studio, Venkat shares with us the experience of working in our Indian office.

  7. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Tuesday 2¢: We Screwed Up, Now We Have GDPR and It’s An Opportunity

    As marketers, we screwed up, we crossed the line. We used data so well that we legally annoyed people. Whilst we did this with the primitive marketing tools we had yesterday, the consumer now wonders about tomorrow.

  8. inside-censhare-22-emily-nicholls.png
    Ian Truscott

    Inside censhare: Spreading the News (and the Love) with Emily Nicholls, Global Field & Channel Marketing

    This week on Inside censhare, I interviewed Emily Nicholls, who has recently joined the marketing team to create and manage a global field marketing organization.

  9. old-dont-use
    Ian Truscott

    Whatever you call it (CX, DX or Personalization) it’s all about people

    Everyone it seems is talking about Customer Experience (CX), Digital Experience (DX) and Personalization. Whatever it is, it’s about people. Something we actually believe in here at censhare.

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