
Semantic Database

Deliver content blazing fast for any future AI and complex use cases.

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  • Futureproof

    Semantic database is the foundation of AI, and it can handle complex asset relationships and use cases.
  • Fast & Efficient

    It delivers content much faster than relational databases. On top of that, it also requires less resources to operate.
  • Supports all assets

    Our database supports any digital asset type, whether images, videos, 3D files, resources, or inventory items.

Unlock new possibilities

Semantic Database supports the creation of contextual relations between all kinds of digital assets. It unlocks easy and fast asset search and flexible use case creation. This method unlocks a representation of all objects and their relationships, therefore you can also build complex automation around them.

Search for anything

It supports faster and more comprehensive search by leveraging the inherent connections between data points, allowing users to quickly locate and retrieve relevant information across the entire digital ecosystem.

Fast business logic orchestration

Represent asset relationships

Anything can relate (be linked) to anything in our Semantic Database. For instance, a 3D model can be connected with a product, which can also be connected to a product category.

Powerful monitoring, tracing and logging

Supports AI use cases

It provides a flexible and interconnected data structure that enables advanced AI capabilities, such as enhanced analytics, intelligent content targeting, and automated decision-making, to deliver more personalized and impactful user experiences.

Streamlined development
“By integrating censhare, we have achieved significantly faster, simpler, and more flexible processes overall for data management and distribution.”
Christine Wälchli

Business Analyst, ESA