Future-proofing your DAM selection
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A Digital Experience Platform (DXP) can help organizations to build trust, and enables sophisticated smart one-to-one marketing. In this day and age, DXP is a necessity to build relationships with your audience.
Along with the Cambridge Analytica scandal, data intelligence practices have been getting some very bad press. It is time for organizations to rebuild some trust.
And a Digital Experience Platform (DXP) can help, enabling smart one-to-one marketing which is sophisticated, data driven and yet unobtrusive. With a DXP in place you can identify a website visitor, crunch the numbers and provide a bespoke experience in the instant it takes to refresh a web page. Companies getting it right can influence buying decisions in real time, reduce churn, and get a head start at building long term relationships based on trust.
Even if you have millions of customers, you can make each person feel valued and understood by marketing to their individual preferences and requirements. What’s more, you can ensure that their experience remains consistent as they shift between channels - something we all do these days.
Remember, in the age of GDPR we are talking about customers who have opted in and entrusted you with their data. This means that they actually want a relationship with your brand, but it is up to you to make it a happy one. If you mess up, they can withdraw consent at any time.
But you can’t buy a DXP off the shelf. Every organization has a unique footprint in terms of where its data resides. Add to the mix all the systems which manage your digital assets and campaigns, as well as those required to build and apply the business rules driving personalization, and it gets complicated. Like that perfect first date outfit, everything needs to work in sync - one clashing component will ruin the overall effect.
But you might ask “Why do I need a DXP? I seem to be doing OK without one…”
Well that’s easy - customer expectations are shifting as quickly as the technology. Having an inappropriate product marketed to them may be funny the first time, but customers quickly tire of companies who keep getting it wrong. “People who bought X also bought Y…” is getting a bit lame these days too.
A DXP exposes you to all the millions of customers who match the products and services which you provide. You even get to show them your best profile across any channel they choose and there is no doubt that this level of personalization will soon become the industry norm. If you don’t want to be left behind, you should at least be getting the foundations in place to build a DXP of your own.
If the thought of delving into the world of DXPs still has you flummoxed, why not delve into this whitepaper on the subject, authored by Digital Asset Management expert Theresa Regli.One-to-One Marketing and the Elusive Digital Experience Platform. In it, Regli outlines all the moving parts of a DXP, arming you with the information essential to taking meaningful steps towards genuinely effective personalization.