A Quick Chat With Our 200th Employee

Welcome to episode 7 of Inside censhare, this week we meet our 200th employee, Patrick Elsaesser...

  1. chevron left iconA Quick Chat With Our 200th Employee
Ian TruscottMay 25, 2017
  • Inside censhare
0:00 / 0:00

As you may have read, growth is top of the agenda here at censhare, in the Munich office the operations guys are figuring out if we can stack desks like bunk beds to get more of us in, you stake your claim to a desk like it’s the Klondike during the gold rush and we have had to implement a strict ticketing system for access to the coffee machine (especially during the busy times).

Before European Health and Safety raid our offices, of course I’m kidding, we are all very comfortable and anyway, I drink tea. Although there is probably a real estate agent helping with our expansion that has taken the afternoon off to browse for a new BMW and I believe we have taken delivery of so many MacBook’s that the delivery driver is on first name terms with the team assistant (trust me, that sort of informality is a big step here in Germany).

I’ve digressed, because despite no longer being the newest employee (a title held for about an hour before new employee numbers 201, 202 and 203 came along) we are celebrating our 200th employee; Patrick Elsässer and I caught up with him on Inside censhare.

If you read our blog, you would have already heard of Patrick, but in this video, he shares a bit more about what he’s been up to since he joined, what the experience has been like so far and how the hiring process went.

If you are considering joining us, you may have read the great reviews on Glassdoor or Kununu, but this fun interview really brings to life the censhare experience.

So, we welcome Patrick and I hope you enjoy the video.

Ian Truscott
Ian Truscott has a passion for creating ART (Awareness, Revenue and Trust) for B2B software companies as a marketing leader and is a censhare alumni. Wanting to connect a like minded community and share something useful, he founded Rockstar CMO, a monthly digital publication, and is currently helping B2B companies create ART at appropingo.

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